We have four flavors of pre-built chemistry courses, each using the Conceptual Chemistry textbook and each presented by its author, John Suchocki. Scroll downward to select the one that best suits your needs and interests. These courses are optimized for the most recent 5th edition, however, they also work well with the 4th edition. Earlier editions can also work with the understanding that you’ll need to modify your course sequence significantly.
About Our Pre-Built Courses
We offer pre-built courses for all of our titles. A pre-built course works well when using Conceptual Academy much like the video version of a traditional textbook. Your students will have access to all the content listed within this pre-built course (see below). This provides flexibility from one semester to the next. For each semester you might direct students to be responsible for only select lessons or chapter sections.
Once a pre-built course is uploaded to your instructor’s account, you can modify it as you see fit to “make it your own”. This includes updating the FYI pages and setting dates for each lesson so that students know what to study by when. You can also remove select chapter sections you are not wanting students to see.
For a Conceptual Academy course aligned more precisely to a particular class schedule, we recommend you contact us to request a customized course. To learn more about customizing your course, please look to the help documents within your instructor profile page.
There are numerous hands-on lab activities within the textbook. With these activities you can implement what we call the “flipped lab” where students conduct labs at home, which allows for critical follow-through to occur within class. Further, eScience Labs now offers chemistry lab kits customized to match each of our chemistry courses. Look to our Labs page for more details. A guided inquiry activity manual is also available: “Explorations in Conceptual Chemistry: A Student Activity Manual“, by Jeff Paradis. Last but not least, there is also a traditional Conceptual Chemistry Lab Manual written by Donna Gibson and John Suchocki.
1. Conceptual Chemistry, The Full Textbook
Accompanying Printed Textbook: Conceptual Chemistry, 5e (CC5e) Sold separately
Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents. Here are a few sample textbook pages: ChemistrySample.
About This Course
This course template leads the student through the entire Conceptual Chemistry curriculum and is highly recommended for a two semester sequence. Each lesson focuses on a series of related concepts. These lessons build upon each other to create a unit, which has a particular theme, such as the stickiness of molecules. All the units, in turn, combine to give the student a solid foundation in the basic concepts of chemistry and the ability to view nature from the perspective of atoms and molecules.
6 Units; 35 Lessons
Unit A: Elements of Chemistry
Unit B: Atomic Particles
Unit C: Atoms and Molecules
Unit D: Chemical Reactions
Unit E: The Chemistry of Life
Unit F: Environmental Chemistry
Download to view the Chapter Section details for this course: PreBuiltCCFull
2. Conceptual Chemistry, Life Science
Accompanying Printed Textbook: Conceptual Chemistry, 5e (CC5e) Sold separately
Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents.
About This Course
This course template is designed for students pursuing a career in one of the life sciences or fields of allied health. With the understanding that biology is founded upon the principles of chemistry, this sequence focuses on the concepts of chemistry essential to understanding any living system.
7 Units: 30 Lessons
Unit A: Elements of Chemistry
Unit B: Atomic Bonding
Unit C: Chemistry of Solutions
Unit D: Chemical Reactions
Unit E: Acids, Bases, and Redox
Unit F: Organic and Biochemistry
Unit G: Food and Drugs
Download to view the Chapter Section details of this course: PreBuiltCCLife
3. Conceptual Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry (aka Contextual Chemistry)
Accompanying Printed Textbook: Conceptual Chemistry, 5e (CC5e) Sold separately
Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents.
About This Course
A “sideways” approach to Conceptual Chemistry in which the social and environmental applications of chemistry take center stage along side the development of chemistry concepts. Although there is a greater emphasis on the topics of chemistry, this curriculum still provides for a solid foundation by embracing Conceptual Chemistry’s carefully crafted spiral approach whereby key concepts are revisited throughout the textbook—each time in a different light and with greater depth. The author himself teaches his college courses using this approach.
4 Units; 26 Lessons
Unit A: Chemistry in the Environment
Unit B: Energy Resources
Unit C: The Chemistry of Water
Unit D: The Chemistry of Life
Download to view the Chapter Section details of this course: PreBuiltCCEnvr
4. Conceptual Chemistry, Prep Chemistry
Accompanying Printed Textbook: Conceptual Chemistry, 5e (CC5e) Sold separately
Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents.
About This Course
Recommended for a single semester sequence, this pre-built course is designed for students who have an interest in pursuing further studies in any of the physical sciences. While this may also be accomplished by employing the full version of Conceptual Chemistry (see above), this pre-built course omits many of the “topics” of chemistry, such as agriculture, so that the student has more time to focus on challenging concepts, such as atomic orbitals and stoichiometry.
7 Units; 31 Lessons
Unit A: Particles of Matter
Unit B: Elements of Chemistry
Unit C: Atomic Bonding
Unit D: Chemistry of Solutions
Unit E: Chemical Reactions
Unit F: Acids, Bases, and Redox
Unit G: Organic and Biochemistry
Download to view the Chapter Section details of this course: PreBuiltCCPrep
Sample Chemistry Video: Properties
“Understanding the world from the perspective of atoms and molecules provides us much insight into the environment in which we live as well as the nature of living organisms, including ourselves. By learning the basic concepts of chemistry, we are empowered to make wiser decisions for a bright and sustainable future.”
Sample Chemistry Video: The Periodic Table
Sample Chemistry Video: Boiling Water